Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Max-Planck-Institute for Physics

On our last day in Munich, we visited the Max Planck Institute for Physics. Upon arriving, we sat through an hour long, essentially physics lecture, on the history of the institute and the projects that were being worked on. The whole time I was nerding out about particle physics! We got to see a model of the ATLAS experiment and learn about all the sensors that made it up. One example was the silicon semiconductor tracker which measures the trajectories of charged particles and finds their momentum. After the tour, I chatted with the guide to possibly get a tour of CERN while I'm on my awesome!!! Hopefully that all falls into place. Overall, it was really cool to see the things that I've learned about in my classes coming to life! It was especially cool to see the scientist's labs were as messy as our labs on campus!

1 comment:

  1. This tour was definitely very interesting even though it was very technical. I hope you get to see it while on your trip!
