Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Max Planck Institute for Physics

The Max Planck Institute for Physics was probably one of the most academic based tours we had on our trip. It was very interesting to learn about the complex experiments that they are conducting, even if it went above my head quite a few times. It was fascinating to learn how their experiments may have large impacts on the way we thing about particles.

What I found difficult to wrap my head around was the precision needed to conduct their experiments. I think that it is crazy that they can create a setting where particles will collide at an exact location. I didn't realize that that kind of planning and precision was possible. I also found it very interesting to hear about all the thought put in to setting up an experiment, that the researchers have to compromise the ideal settings for their experiments to make it possible to create the settings. Overall, I thought this tour was a very interesting look into the true workings of physics research.


  1. The planning and precision is insane! It almost surprises me that an experiment could actually work, with all the things that could go wrong. I had a hard time wrapping my mind around all the theoretical work too.
