Monday, May 30, 2016

Bavarian Observatory

Even with rain and a cloudy sky the Bavarian Observatory was really cool. We got to see the night sky as it is truly supposed to look along with learning about the planets and some interesting information about them. To top it all off we saw a couple of telescopes, but due to weather we didn't get to use them.
     I really liked learning about planets and there differences about them. One example is that Jupiter is a giant cloud of gas and that if there is a surface is it pretty small. The cool part is that the scientific community  believes thereally might be metallic hydrogen near the center. I don't  Raju understand how this works but I find it fascinating. Overall our guides were really funny and interactive with the group making it a great experience!


  1. I really enjoyed the observatory too. I loved seeing all of the stars it was definitely a highlight of the trip

  2. Agreed! The observatory was definitely a great stop. I also appreciated how knowledgable they all were in their own areas. One of my favorite parts was also being able to see the surface of Pluto. I can't believe they only received those images a little over a year ago!

  3. The observatory was a great learning experience. All of our guides, even though unpaid for what they did, were very knowledgeable about space. I enjoyed seeing the difference in the size of the new and older telescope.

  4. I really enjoyed the opera singing guide, not only was he funny but he really knew his stuff. It was also interesting to hear his little side comments.

  5. It was a fascinating experience overall! From little facts about the sky and planets to hands on knowledge about different telescopes, it was a great experience.

  6. I agreed that the tour guides were phenomenal!! They all had their own wonderful quirks. Seeing the night sky without light pollution was an awesome experience!
