Monday, May 23, 2016

University Museum

By far, this is probably one of my favorite sites so far. I loved how this museum was not only very educational, but interactive as well! Not to mention, the many things we learned, starting from how people went around about conducting experiments, all the way into actually showing us how their experiments were performed! However, the exhibit that stood out to me the most was the anatomy room. I'm studying Animal Science with a pre-vet emphasis, so the fact that I got to actually see some real preserved animal bodies...was awesome! Not to mention, the way that procedures were done in the past, blew me away! I can't imagine what it would be like to sit in a anatomical theatre, and just look down at someone or a group of people opening up a dog or horse or whatever  it is that they were working on, and then have a part of that animal be passed around for everyone to have a even closer look! I don't know about you, but I would totally pay to see that!
Though, my favorite part of the museum was definitely the garden. I love nature, so I don't mind being outside, EVER! But this was my favorite part of the tour not only because we were outside, but because I've never seen anything like it! Specifically, because it holds one of the oldest trees ever! And according to our tour guide, that's simply because those specific type of trees have a very strong odor that many people don't like, so they end up chopping the trees. However, this one specifically is still up, and will continue to stay because it's a gender neutral tree! Meaning, it has both parts of a male, and female, and therefore the odor is neutral. Pretty neat huh? So hopefully further down this trip we get to visit more places like this one, which had a lot of things to look at and explore outside!

Till then,
Ivan Almendariz

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