Friday, May 27, 2016

Deutches museum - Mathematics

The Deutches museum is an overwhelming complex of the history of science and technology. Although I saw many interesting exhibits, my favorite one (so far) was the math room. The math room itself was overwhelming with multitides of instruments. From marine navigational tools to cryptography, the math exhibiton seemed to contain just about every component of math ever.

I am continually amazed at the ingenious pursuit of math that occurred in the past. The piece that captured my attention the most was a counting machine. The counting machine could not only do additon and subtraction, but also multiplication! How is that even POSSIBLE?? Today, I probably know more about general math than the inventors of such machines did (as far as applying math in various ways), but I can't begin to imagine the depth of their knowledge and expertise in their fields. To see such inventions is awe inspiring, and really humbling. We take technology for granted, when we really should be marveling at all the efort it took to get us here.


  1. I totally agree with you on the depth part! Even with todays technology and advances, I still can't math. So it amazes me that back then they were able to figure that stuff out! Not to mention, I can't imagine the frustration they had to go through, to figure out the things that they did. Its like a huge applause to them!

  2. In just surprised that people can love math that much, haha! I'm so amazed by the skill the people of the past had. I feel like we can't even compare!
