Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Munich Observatory

On Monday, May 30th, we went to Munich's Observatory. When we went to the planetarium, the room was lit brightly. Our guide then dimmed the lights to simulate the setting of the sun gradually revealing more and more stars as the sky became darker. Our guide then explained why great wonders can be seen away from the lights of the city. That really made me realize that the advancements of technology has its negatives. The bigger and bigger our cities get, the more light pollution hinders us from seeing the wonders of the sky. Now you can only observe them far away from the city. I found this thought very interesting since this course is on the history of science and technology. This night really opened my eyes to see the negative of the advancement of technology.


  1. I enjoyed this site as well and found it interesting that our guide said that to get a good view you have to go out into the country and they only get a few decent nights to see the sky every year!

  2. I liked how our tour guide took us through the sun setting and rising. He explained each step very well and pointed out some of the major constellations. It was also cool to see some constellations that we normally do not see because we are above the equator.

  3. I thought it was cool when he talked about light potion. I live in the country outside of Madison and I can usually see the light pollution reflecting off the clouds.

  4. Abel, I'd agree with the fact that it was a good model of city-born light pollution in effect with our abilities to see stars and planets. Overall it was a really great planetarium to add to a cool experience!
